Political Economy and Rise of Capitalism

Welcome to the companion website for Economy and Society: Political Economy and Rise of Capitalism by R. R. Suresh. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing your understanding of the subject covered.

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About the Book

The second revised and updated edition continues to focus on the emergence, evolution and working of the capitalist system with the help of some of the major principles and theories of economics.

The revised second edition of this textbook continues to focus on the emergence, evolution and working of the capitalist system with the help of some of the major principles and theories of economics.

Economy and Society relates economic life to other aspects of our lives—social, cultural, political, religious and intellectual. It comprehensively analyses the importance of politics and culture to the functioning of the economy. Instead of presenting a traditional analysis of the capitalist system, this edition explores the relationship between economy and society. It examines the Marxist approach to the evolution of human civilizations in terms of thesis, anti-thesis and synthesis.

Key Features:

  • Topical coverage as per the UGC syllabus of Political Economy I and II
  • Provides a holistic understanding of each topic, covering information on major works on each theme 
  • A student-friendly approach for a difficult subject in lucid language
  • Each chapter aided by insightful pedagogical features such as learning outcomes, key terms and points for classroom discussion