Sustainable Value Creation

Welcome to the companion website for Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility: Sustainable Value Creation, 4e by David Chandler​. Please note that all the materials on this site are especially geared toward maximizing your understanding of the subject covered.

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About the Book

A comprehensive manual for CSR in the international context but with globally applicable principles.

Since enterprises have become aware of the central role of social responsibility in the world of business, corporate social responsibility is no longer a separate operation which functions in addition to the purpose of the company. Increasingly, CSR has become a core strategic mechanism which determines the fundamental ideals of a company and hence how the company creates value in the larger marketplace. This new 4th edition of Strategic Corporate Social Responsibility introduces students to the subject keeping the idea of value creation and the strategic role of CSR firmly at its centre. It addresses the various issues and theoretical aspects of CSR and treats them as integral to the function of an enterprise in the modern world. It urges students and practitioners to look at CSR through a variety of different perspectives and thus forms a holistic idea of the subject.

Key Features:

  • Detailed coverage of theoretical background to help students understand the context behind the topics discussed 
  • In-depth discussion of various fundamental concepts in CSR which introduces students to the principal issues in the implementation of CSR
  • Real-world case studies and debates to introduce students to realistic scenarios and innovative solutions
  • Chapters on sustainability and contemporary issues in CSR to make the book increasingly relevant in the rapidly changing modern business climate