Psychological Testing
A Practical Approach
Psychological Testing
Welcome to the companion site for Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach by Leslie A. Miller, Robert L. Lovler, and Sandra A. McIntire.
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SAGE companion site for Instructors supports teaching by making it easy to integrate quality content and create a rich learning environment for students.
About the fourth edition
A clear introduction to the basics of psychological testing, psychometrics and relevant statistical tools, and their application in everyday educational, clinical and organizational settings.
Written in response to a growing need for a textbook on psychological testing conducive to student learning, Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach provides readers with a clear and accessible introduction to the field. This book gives students an understanding of the basic concepts, issues, and tools used in psychological testing, and also illustrates how these are relevant in day-to-day educational, organizational and clinical environments.
The primary objective of this text is to focus on the testing process and the core psychometric concepts required to gain an appreciation of how to use and interpret tests properly.
• A clear and simple writing style in a conversational tone to make understanding enjoyable.
• Section previews and concept maps provide students with written and graphic overviews of the content and help instructors set the context of the proceeding chapters.
• For Your Information boxes throughout chapters supplement the material with relevant and interesting information about a particular topic.
• Interim Summaries throughout each chapter summarize important information discussed in the chapter to help students focus on key points.
• End-of-chapter Learning Activities for groups and individuals provide exercises that promote hands-on understanding of the concepts.
• In the News and On the Web feature stories on testing from print news media and related resources on test–stimuli availability and security on the web.
For instructors
Access resources that are only available to Faculty and Administrative Staff.
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